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Corporate Engagement 

Physical Address:
Texas Tech Plaza, Suite 101
1901 University Avenue 
Lubbock, TX 79410

Mailing Address:
Box 42007
Lubbock, TX 79409-2007

Phone: 806.742.4105

Fax: 806.742.4102

8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central, Monday - Friday

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Executive Education and Professional Development

Executive Education and Professional DevelopmentThe Office of Corporate Engagement (OCE) connects corporate partners to professional development, executive education and workforce training programs.

The global workforce is evolving and the need for knowledgeable and highly-skilled professionals is more important than ever. Enrolling executives and employees in continuing education programs allows companies to stay competitive by keeping their professionals at the forefront of their fields.

The 自慰视频 offers a variety of professional development and executive education opportunities.

For more information about these programs, visit the following websites:

Texas Tech University


Angelo State University