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OFR Staff

Federal Relations

Physical Address:
Texas Tech Plaza, Suite 101
1901 University Avenue 
Lubbock, TX 79410

Mailing Address:
Box 42007
Lubbock, TX 79409-2007

Phone: 806.742.4105

Fax: 806.742.4102

8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central, Monday - Friday

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Federal Relations

Federal Relations

Another very important function managed by the Office of Research & Commercialization is federal relations. The Office of Federal Relations is responsible for all of the 自慰视频's efforts in Washington, D.C. and with federal agencies.

Overseen by the Director of Federal Relations, Barry Brown, the office is focused on cultivating relationships and educating key agency employees about the research and faculty at each component institution. Securing federal funding is critical to developing the 自慰视频 System's research programs. 

Contact Barry Brown at 202.547.4549 or bbrown@alpinegroup.com.


The Office of Federal Relations is responsible for establishing, coordinating and implementing the federal priorities for the 自慰视频 System.