
自慰视频 Homepage自慰视频 Homepage

Office of Treasury

System Administration Building
1508 Knoxville Ave., Ste. 315
Box 41098
Lubbock, TX  79409-1098

Phone: 806.742.1700

Email: ttus.treasury@ttu.edu

8 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central, Monday - Friday


Debt Information

Developed and overseen by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer and the Office of Treasury, the fiscal performance of the 自慰视频 and its debt portfolio has a sound record of achievement.

The system raises capital for major infrastructure developments through the Revenue Financing System (RFS), a cost-effective debt program secured by a system-wide pledge of all legally available revenues for debt issued on behalf of all five institutions and System Administration. 

This site provides the financial history of the 自慰视频 and the bond and commercial paper purchasing opportunities available to the community. For further inquiries, email ttus.treasury@ttu.edu.

Capital Projects 

The System uses the revenue finance system debt program to access capital to fund its infrastructure projects. These major projects are managed by the Office of Facilities Planning & Construction. More information on past, current and future projects by member institution can be found here.